It’s been said, a new business won’t make a profit for the first 5 years.

At LS Industries, we say … Your business should make a profit from the very beginning!

Small Towns Big People Podcast

We are interviewing people across the midwest that are doing big things in business, service and life.

Business Planning

Operating a business can be a thrilling and fulfilling experience. However, without careful preparation and the implementation of effective systems, it may end up being no more than a source of employment. The ultimate objective for a business owner should be to create a residual income stream, rather than simply earning a decent salary.

Start here …

  • Make sure to have an online location to save documents

    — Google Drive, Dropbox, Cloud …

    — Easier to share within company personnels

    — You can access online documents anywhere, anytime

  • Create a good Business Plan

    — There are a ton of free business plan templates online

    — A good plan can provide goal, direction and process

    — Here is a Google Doc Template to get you started

  • Having a budget can minimize unnecessary spending

    — How much profit can you make per year?

    — How much do you need to quit your job?

    — Here is a Google Sheets Template to get you started

  • What is the proper Business Structure for you? LLC, Corp, Sole Proprietorship? Not sure? Find out here.

  • — Choose an entity type in Wisconsin

    — Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) online

    — Set up your operating agreement from Rocket Lawyer or Legal Zoom

  • Start a bank account for your new company

    — Get local! Your local smaller banks will be much more willing to work with you and your business needs compared to bigger national banks (here is one we like)

    — Make sure you can connect your bank account to your accounting system

    — Free checking, get some checks made and a debit card

    — Only use this account for your business! Don’t cross personal and business accounts. KEEP THEM SEPARATED!

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